Friday, 30 November 2012

Good morning.  My name's McUgly and I help Trish & Mike with the cottages. This is me doing my bit in the office.

My other duties involve checking the cottages while Trish puts in the tea and biscuits, just to make sure that Catherine has got them up to scratch, keeping the log pile replenished ( I can usually manage two or three small logs a day), and welcoming visitors when they arrive.

I particularly like it when some of the visitors are dogs;  since my dear friend Ginny passed away I have been a wee bit lonely and it's terrific meeting new friends ( and of course my old friend Toby ,( a regular visitor). I show them where the best smells are, direct them to the forest walks, and if they are townie dogs I gently explain that when you're in the country you don't chase sheep, kill hens, or demand to go and see the vet just because you've been bitten by a tick.  Wimps!  One visitor's dog last summer (fortunately not staying with us) actually despatched four of Mike's lovely wee black bantams, so it does happen. And just so embarassing for everyone.

Sadly I really don't get on with alsations ( or German shepherd dogs which they now call them, but it doesn't fool me) so I'm afraid they're not allowed in.  Sorry chaps.

I have been slightly confused with the new pricing system although Trish has explained that they've made it much easier so I can take on more of the bookwork. Anyway it does seem to be very easy - a flat nightly rate with a couple of discounts.  Just phone me up if you're stuck.

Anyway, time to get on with tidying up the kitchen floor - have a nice day.

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