Saturday 29 September 2012

Well, despite the dreadful summer, Dougie has got the barley in and Mike has picked his apple crop.  All seven apples.  But it's only the second year and last year he only got one.  And they are huge and very appley tasting so he's pretty proud of them. The tomatoes are hopeless and while from afar the garden looks lush and healthy, close up we see that it's just all weeds. 

Not a busy summer for Carradale, but the cottages seem to be busier at beginning and end of the season so we are REVIEWING OUR PRICING STRUCTURE for next year.  Don't hold your breath but we will have some changes. When we started they were the same price all the year round and there is a lot to be said for that, with things like last minute booking etc giving discounts rather than complicated bands.  It's O.K. on our own site but when you have to put all the information onto the other sites we are on it becomes very tedious.

The famous Carradale duck race was held last week-end  - the Glasgow 'September week-end'.  Not quite as busy as previously but they made over £4,000 which will go towards re-roofing the church. 

Off to clean a cottage - the wonderful Catherine is on holiday, but I will introduce you to our new helper , Laura, next time.