Wednesday, 3 July 2019


Some of you may remember our plans to create a green roof on the garage replacing the old corrugated iron one. So last April I clambered around , after much sturdy work by Mike and the gang preparing the base, with 103 'plug plants for green roofs. The result was not spectacular!

However we nurtured it carefully, hosing it down during dry spells, and weeding out the thistles and willowherb, and to our huge surprise this is what we now have

A very green roof, but tucked in are some poppies, a terrific evening primrose, and some rather fine flags. So it's a good start but most people don't know what to make of it.
If Dougie can get his tractor up he can have some very fine silage.

The wagtails in the woodpile have kept us all fascinated at their efforts to produce a family and now we have some little fluffy wagtails tearing around and bobbing up and down. They join our young blackbirds who are very demanding and come on to the balcony insisting I feed them. Their preference for cat food is a mystery to no one but me and Mike, but they turn up their beaks at anything else

Village is getting busy, and last Saturday an excellent evening of Carradale in days gone by was hosted at the hall. Unfortunately we had other ploys, but it was clearly a great success. Next on is the summer quizz which is always hugely popular and throws up some unexpectedly brainy people ; as we don't even know what sport Andy Murray plays, we can never get anyone to team up with us.
And we also have the ever popular Harbour Day. The harbour has been looking pretty untidy as the fish farm have been changing all their gear, but it should be spruced up by then and hopefully the new flower tubs will be blooming .

Village shop is proving very handy and fills a need, although how we miss the gossip of the bakers - in fact if you are in the Campbeltown Co-op you may well bump into Jeandoing her own or everyone else's shopping, and there's your chance to catch up.