Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Rain at last - and the only people not overjoyed are Mr Claffy and his merry gang who are just putting finishing touches to the Village Hall roof. They have done a wonderful job repairing and reslating it and haven't they been lucky with the weather? There was only one week-end when we slightly panicked that the tarpaulin was going to blow away and leave a gaping hole , but all was well and for most of the two months or so that thay have been working away it's been almost too hot to hold the slates! We will really miss them - ice creams have been exchanged, as have packets of Pringles and the brave lady in the team has got a marvellous suntan.

The garage roof much appreciated a dowsing and is growing away brilliantly. Not to be outdone by Mrs Claffey I was up there on my hands and knees weeding it at the weekend, and although far from having complete coverage it's coming on nicely. We had a lovely stray poppy the other day which was very cheery and who knows what other goodies will arrive. It was thistles and willowherb that I  had to remove .

Lots of discussion about the village shop which is being vacated by the  present tenants in August, and no one knows what will happen. We are so lucky having it and if nothing else there are plans to make it a community shop,  A meeting last week was inconclusive until there is more information, but at the same meeting was discussion of  the proposed community composting project.  We really are getting like a village in The Archers! 

Enough, I'm off to pick blackcurrents (having only just made last year's crop into jam). And the sun's coming out again.