Monday, 30 September 2013

For those of you who like sitting out under the fig tree in the Douglas sitooterie, you will be mightily impressed to know that it has bourne fruit again this year.  7 figs no less!  All very scrumptious and Mike is enjoying them with his porridge for breakfast.  His apple trees have also been productive, and even our outdoor vine has some teeny weeny green grapes hanging from it's branches.

A bumper crop of brambles too - so far we have 20 pounds in the freezer!  I found a brilliant spot (which shall remain secret) , and we felt very smug last night as we came down with our haul  to meet 2 other bramblers who clearly thought it was their secret spot - and we'd beaten them to it!

A Skipness dance on Friday.  If you are ever in the cottage when one of these is on , then you must go. A wee Scottish dance band, no drink, wonderful tea and buns half way through, and everyone dancing their socks off.  If we go up in a bad mood we come back full of well-being, and congratulate the wonderful welcoming group that organise these cheery events.  What's more, nearly everyone wins a raffle prize! There will be a Christmas one with the terrific Gunna Sound playing, and a crowd of us from Carradale will be there.