Monday, 15 July 2013

Well, at last.  After all this time waiting we're having a proper summer.  The poor old garden is weeks late but it's more than made up for it with bumper vegetation and flowers.  Here is a corner of my garden with Mhairi's cottage in the background.

So why are you not all here???  Carradale is just at it's very best with the beach nicely busy and swimming in the sea a very pleasant experience .  There is just nothing nicer than floating on your back with a blue sky above and the Carradale trees and hills all around.

Even the midges retreat when the weather gets dry.

Newswise?  Well there was a very successful harbour day last week-end (when McUgly, dressed up as a pirate and came in second out of two)
But he had a lovely time.

And there are always the odd concerts and entertainments coming up - we never know what's going to be on offer.

For the old hands to the place, The Glen has just been sold and is going to be re-opened as a bar, so that will be another eating/drinking place for everyone.  Coupled with the Hotel, the Ashbank, and our two tea rooms it means we're well provided for again.  Great news. 

In the course of refurbishing the Village Hall library it's been discovered that the roof is in dire need of re-slating so, pending a proper look at the whole thing, we may be in for some massive fund-raising.  Sadly, with money being pumped into us from our Windfarm Trust, no-one really bothers to fund raise these days - just get a grant from somewhere. It's a great way of pulling everyone together and lets hope we'll not rely entirely on others grants if we need to get some cash in. 

Anyway, don't forget that we have generous last minute offers if you feel like sneaking off down here and enjoying the sun, just book on-line and we'll be delighted to see you.