Wow! Months since we have blogged, but winter isn't exactly the busiest time for the cottages. Usually we fill up at New Year, but this year we went up north for a break ourselves - and fortunately missed the worst gale of the three that hit Carradale this winter, so came back to no electricity for 3 days. Just as well we had no visitors! There's aye something - last year it was frozen water. Lots of trees down round and about, and the poor old hotel has suffered some roof damage, but could have been worse.
Anyway we're now raring to go for the coming season and already bookings are coming in; mostly , it has to be said, from our old faithfuls who are eager to get their favourite slots, but a few new people as well. Already we have loads of snowdrops out in Colin's garden, and it will be no time before we have the odd daffodil if the mild weather continues, so at last we can think of Spring just around the corner. If youve been watching Brian Cox and Dara O'Brain stargazing this week you may have realised that Carradale is a superb spot for looking at the night skies. Virtually no light pollution, and here at the Mains you can stare out over a flat horizon and see all sorts of goodies to the south and east. We are beginning to master our telescope at last and hope we get some clear skies for a change in the next month or two.Look forward to hearing from you.