Thursday, 14 April 2011

The camellia's never been as good! Those plants that survived the winter - and most of them did apart from a very precious passion flower and most of the abutilons - are doing brilliantly. This little treasure between the two cottages is looking marvellous and will go on flowering for some time, although resorts to green glossiness when the majority of visitors are here! Moral - come to Carradale in the Spring when it really excells. The fields are full of lambs leaping around and doing all the things that lambs do, and it's all primroses and violets and daffodils.

Not so good news for those of you who likeThe Glen restaurant; the girls have had to close it and have left the village. So until it's sold that's one less drinking and eating place. And the petrol pumps have closed too, so fill up in Lochgilphead. But everywhere else is up and running and looking forward to seeing you.